Arthur Jaffe

CLICK HERE for a one-page CV in PDF format (revised 2021)

CLICK HERE for a List of Publications in PDF format (revised 2021)

Home PagePresent Activities
L.T. Clay Professor of Mathematics and Theoretical Science, Harvard University
Fellow of the Hagler Institute, Texas A&M University 
Harvard Personal pages: Physics and Mathematics; Harvard Departmental pages: Physicsand Mathematics
Member of the International Advisory Board, Center for Mathematical Physics, University of Hamburg
Member Board of Directors, Jacobs University Bremen Foundation of America

Advisory Board of Communications in Mathematical Physics
Editorial Board of Annals of Functional Analysis (AFA)

Home PageUniversity Education
BA  in Chemistry, Princeton University, 1959
BA in Mathematics, Cambridge University, 1961
PhD in Physics, Princeton University, 1966

Home PageRecognition
ICCM 2018 Award for Best Mathematical Paper in the Past Five Years
Medal from the Collège de France 1990

Dannie Heineman Prize
in Mathematical Physics 1980 (American Physical Society and American Institute of Physics)
Prize in Mathematics and Physics 1979 (New York Academy of Science)

Home PageMembership in Scientific Organizations
Honorary Member of the Royal Irish Academy (RIA)
of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Past Chair, Mathematics Section 2001)
Fellow of the American Physical Society
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) (Past President 1997-1998)
Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Member of the Association for Women in Mathematics
Member of the International Association for Mathematical Physics (Past President 1991-1996)
Alumni Member of the Council of Scientific Society Presidents (Past Chair 2000)

Home PageSelected Prior Activities
Founding Member, Director, and President of the Clay Mathematics Institute, 1998-2002
Member of the President's Commission for the National Medal of Science, 1997-2002; Acting Chair, 2001-2002
Trustee of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, California 1991-1994
Member Perspketivkommission, International University of Bremen (now Jacobs University Bremen)
of the Harvard University Department of Mathematics, 1987-1990
Board of Directors of the International Mathematical Olympiad 2001, 1997–2003
Member of the U.S. National Committee for Mathematics
Chair of the Mathematics Advocacy Task Force, 1996-1997
Member of the David Committee (National Research Council), 1980-1983 (author of the Appendix, "Ordering the Universe: the Role of Mathematics")
Co-Founder and Organizer of the Cargèse Summer School in Mathematical Physic
s, Cargèse, Corsica 1976-1996
Executive Committee of the Mathematical Sciences Education Board (National Research Council)
Board of Trustees of the Institute for Schools of the Future
Member of Visiting/Review/Advisory Committees:
Dublin Institute for Advanced Study, Theoretical Physics, Chair 2004
Pennsylvania State University, Department of Mathematics, Chair 2003
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich, Department of Mathematics Departiment 1989
Advisory Committee of the Princeton Physics Department 1977-1980, Chair 1980
Advisory Committe of the Princeton University Department of Mathematics

Home PagePrior Editorial Activities
Board of Trustees and Advisory Board of Project Euclid, Cornell University Library 2000-2004
Editor of the Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1976-2000; Chief Editor, 1979-2000
Assistant Editor of the Annals of Physics, 1981-2000
Editorial Board of Geometry and Functional Analysis, 1989–2000
Founding Editor of Progress in Physics, Birkhäuser Boston, 1980–1983
Editorial Board of Journal of Mathematical Physics, 1973-1976

Associate Editor of Reviews in Mathematical Physics
Editorial Board of Letters in Mathematical Physics

Home PageVisiting Professorships
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (E. T. H.) Zürich, 2005, 1968
Boston University, 2001
University of Rome, 1996
Rockefeller University, 1979
Princeton University, 1971
University of California, 1982

Home PageLecture Series
Class of 1927 Lectures at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2000
Distinguished Lecture Series at the Fields Institute, 1996
Lectures at the Collège de France, 1990
Frank Hahn Lectures at Yale University, 1985
Hedrick Lecturers at the Mathematical Association of America, 1985
Lectures at Moscow Institutes of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1985
Lecture tour organized by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1983
Alumni Lectures at Penn State University, 1983
Porter Lectures at Rice University, 1983
Lecture Course at the Bonn Sonderforschungsbereich, 1980
Lecture Course at the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, 1977
Summer School Lectures:

Varenna Summer School, 1968
Lectures at the Les Houches Summer School, 1984, 1970
Poiana Brasov Summer School, 1981
Erice Summer School lectures, 1985, 1983, 1973
Cargèse Summer School, 1996, 1992, 1987, 1981, 1976
Summer School of the Australian Mathematics Society, Melbourne, 1982

Home PageSelected Invited Lectures
Statutory Public Lecture, Dublin Institute for Advanced Study (in Trinity College) 2016
Friedrich Hirzebruch Lecture, Bonn 2015
Schrödinger Lecture, Schrödinger Institute, Vienna 2012

International Association of Mathematical Physics 1994, 1991, 1988, 1981, 1979, 1977
International Congress on High Energy Physics 1986, 1984, 1973, 1970
International Congress on Information Theory 1979, 1976
International Congress of Mathematicians, Helsinki 1978
American Mathematical Society, Washington 2000 , New York 1978
Hong Kong Mathematics Society 1997
Australian Mathematical Society, Wollongong 1987
Canadian Mathematical Society, Montreal 1984
American Physical Society, New York 1970
Mathematische Gesellshaft in Hamburg, Anniversary celebration 1990
Dedication of the Dirac Science Library at the Florida State University, Tallahassee 1989
IBM Mathematics Research Center, Anniversary Celebration 1988
Balomenos Lecture at the University of New Hampshire, 1985
The Mathematical Heritage of Henri Poincaré, Bloomington 1980
Symposium on New Trends in the History and Philosophy of Mathematics, Roskilde 1999
Symposium on Proof, New York 2000
Mathematics for the Millennium Meeting, American University of Beirut , 2000
Visions in Mathematics Meeting, Tel Aviv 1999
Leipzig Mathematics Institute, Opening Symposium 1998
Press Conference on Federal Support of Science, Moderator and opening speaker, National Press Club, Washington, DC 1997
Mathematical Descriptions of the Real World, Master of Ceremonies, House of Representives, Washington, DC 1997
Boston University Symposium on the Conceptual Developments of 20th Century Field Theories, 1996
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Berkeley, Sponsors Day 1995
Distinguished Lecturer, Bard College 1990
100th Anniversary of the birth of John von Neumann, Budapest 2003 (Speaker and Representative of AMS and NAS)
Elliott Lieb Symposium, Vienna 2002
Konrad Osterwalder Symposium, Zurich 2002
Harry Lehmann Memorial Symposium, Hamburg 1999
Marshall Stone Anniversary Symposium, New York 1999
Roland Dobrushin Memorial Symposium, Vienna 1996
Arthur Wightman Symposium, Princeton 1992
John von Neumann Anniversary Symposium, Hofstra University 1988
Kurt Symanzik Memorial Symposium, Hamburg 1984

Arthur Wightman Memorial, Princeton 2013

Home PagePublications
Author or coauthor of 4 books and approximately 200 journal articles. Editor of 7 other books. Link to a List of Publicantions in PDF Format.

Home PageMentoring
Trained over 50 graduate students/post-doctoral fellows

Home PageContact Information

Revised August 2024